Ohio’s Tea Party needs to seriously put forth a new leader other than this guy. It’s embarrassing. Yet Ohio’s political reporters still go to him for a quote on anything that involves the tea party. Why?
The man’s frequent emails are almost always unintelligible. Really, now, it’s 2014 and he can’t use a spell checker?
Check out his last one. The subject of the email says to “See attached PFD”.
What’s a PFD? Is it really that hard to spell “representative”?
And check out the file he sent with a list of Ohio House Reps.
I live in the 57th district, which is represented by Terry Boose. But his list says Matt Lundy is my rep.
It also contains people who aren’t even in the House.
- Carlton Weddington resigned in 2012 after being indicted on bribery and ethics charges.
- Bruce Goodwin ended his service in the House in 2012.
- Danny Bubp was term limited in 2012.
- Bob Mecklenborg resigned in 2011 after being charged with drunk driving.
- Terry Blair is dead.
- Fred Strahorn replaced Clayton Luckie after Luckie was investigated by the FBI for theft in office and misuse of campaign funds.
Zawistowski sent out to instructions to his followers using a list of reps that is four years old, before the 2012 redistricting. Utter incompetence.
Here’s another recent email that shows Zawistowski’s struggle with the English language.
I thought in light of recent news reports that confirm the statements in this email that I wrote in March of 2014, that I would provide real Republican’s with an update on how John Kasich bought this election with our money by giving the Democrats everything they wanted and turning his back on those conservatives who elected him. No one has earned the monicure RINO more than John Kasich . . . Tom Zawistowski, Executive Director, Poratage County TEA Party.
Trying to read that gibberish makes my brain hurt. What’s a “monicure”?
Note to Tom: you don’t make a word plural by adding apostrophe-S.
Think I’m picking on a couple messages? Nope. They’re pretty much ALL this way.
Ohio’s conservatives deserve better than this clown show.